Hello out there in blog land! Today I thought I'd address the Food issue. I've received a couple questions about my diet and after I mentioned using my iPod while on the treadmill folks have asked me about the type of music i listen to and have offered some great suggestions.
First the food. I'm going to start by saying that I'm a pretty picky eater. That's not to say that I have very refined tastes but more to say that I have very simple tastes and a lot of food dislikes. For instance I think I mentioned in an earlier post that I don't like shrimp...well let's expand that to include ALL Fish! Oh, and don't ask me well what about salmon...'cause..uh...that's a fish and as we've established that I don't like them. "Well Sean...how about tuna? you have to like tuna?" To that I would have to give you my "you know tuna is a fish don't you?" look! I'm dead serious here...No Fish shall pass these lips. Beyond that I'm not down with the eggs unless they are baked into a cake...so let's just mark eggs off that list. I'm also allergic to Milk. Now, to clarify I don't have an intollerance to lactos...meaning I don't have a gastro-intestinal reaction to milk. What I have is a histamine reaction to milk that causes severe mood swings. It's not fun. So no fish and no food with High Dairy content which leaves out a lot of suplimental shakes and the like.
So, my menu revolves, primarily around the nobel chicken. Now the idea as I understand it is to spread my calories out over 6 meals a day. (two of those meals being snacks)
Bare in mind this is a preliminary menu. It doesn't quite have all the calories that I'm allowed to have and I may want to go to 4 meals instead of six so I'm not spending my whole day trying to prepare my food.
Breakfast will generaly consist of:
1oz cup of Plain Oatmeal
tablespoon of raisins
1 medium apple
total 220 calories
Meal 2
health/energy bar
total 150 calories
(3 chicken soft tacos)
1/2 cup Cooked Black Beans
6oz chicken breast
3 medium whole wheat tortillas
lettuce and tomato
total 506 calories
Meal 4
Meal replacement shake (egg protine)
total 250 Calories
1 medium apple
6oz chicken breast
1/2 cup marinara sauce
1 cup cooked whole wheat pasta
total 494 Calories
Meal 6
2 Celery stalks
2 slices of whole wheat bread
3 tbls peanut butter
total 468 calories
total for the day 2,088 (I should be getting about 2600 calories at my size and activity level so there are some changes that have to be made)
I'll talk more about my menu after I meet with Kendrick on Tuesday so don't everyone make your suggestions just yet...there will be modifications)
Ok, on to the music.
My muiscal tastes are pretty far ranging. I do, however, tend to gravitate toward singer songwriter music. Be it rock, folk, country etc. I love a song with good words that I can sing along with. I will admit that I'm not much up on what's on the radio these days. Where i live i happen to be blessed with an abundance of very talented local musicians several of whom happen to be friends and who supply me with all the music I could ever need.
The band I listened to on Sunday was a band called Bob's Child. Bob's Child is a former Sacramento group that played an acoustic jam band style of music akin to Dave Matthews Band or Phish. I am fortunate to have been close with the musicians and to have several of the live shows on CD and during their live shows they were known for jamming out a tune for 10 to 15 minutes sometimes so those recordings will be a lot of what I listen to on the treadmill. I can listen to their stuff forever and never get tired of it. I'll try to post an mp3 sometime soon if anyone is interested. (as soon as I get permission)
Another artist I listen to is also a very good friend of mine.
Justin Farren. Justin is a singer songwriter that I like to compare to Greg Brown or Paul Simon. Beautifl songs with wonderful words and imagry and a great sense of humor. If you get a chance please visit his web site and launch the music player at the bottom of the page for 2 full songs. You can also visit the iTunes store and listen to samples of the rest of the songs from his current CD.
Other than that I'll probably mix in music from Cake, Tenacious D , Greg Brown, Modest Mouse and Dave Matthews.
So, there you are. That's about as much as I can offer at 2 in the morning. Please forgive my type-os.
To bed....will post again tonight!