One Red Paperclip & One Big Heart

For those who know me you know that the quality I respect most in others is sincerity. It's one of those rare qualities that really stand out when you find the real thing...if you find the real thing. Kyle Macdonald of One Red is a person who exudes sincerity in word and in action. In a world where it's seems easier to turn your back on others in pursuit of personal gain Kyle has in fact gone far out of his way to include others while achieving much deserved personal success on the way to his ultimate goal *One Red Paperclip + One Big Dream = One house*.
For a few weeks Kyle has been emailing me helpful and creative tips on how to get my blog off the ground. Amidst his own hectic schedule, his own time consuming work, an international media frenzy, traveling to make trades and reporting back on his adventures Kyle has never failed to answer an email and has never given me less than stellar advice. To top it all off he was the very first person to donate to my Diabetes fundraiser. If that's not one hell of a genuine human being than I don't know one.
So, Thank you Kyle. Thank you for your sincerity. Thank you for the amazing mention on your blog! Thank you for your generous help. And most of all thank you for inspiring a lot of us to go after our dreams with a light heart and passionate abandon!
I followed the link here from O.R.P. and read about your story.
Good luck man! I hope you meet your goals. :)
Thank you! I hope you check back from time to time!
Hi, I'm here via Kyle. Good luck to you meeting your goal. It will be a journey worth documenting.
Same as the other guys, linked from ORP. Good luck, man! I loved your post about dancing, it was sincere.
I've got no experience being big, but I have made some big personality changes before, and all I can say is try and persistently change the little things instead of making a heroic effort to change everything all at once.
hi sean - i too came here via o.r.p., and ive added you to my bloglines feed watcher... i'll be a permanent "watcher" here. good luck to you, you can definitely do this. i'll be anxiously awaiting your next posts!
That's really cool and well said Sean. I am happy to hear about the good qualities of Kyle as I have been following his blog since he started it...isn't it strange how even though we are far apart often, typing away into the night or in the morning, sneaking online at work...different interests and lifestyles...we can still recognize good cool people...I find that the most amazing thing about blogging.
I have packed the painting I am making of you...and it's all in my luggage as I'm on the I'll be painting while travelling and getting online here and there in the next few days. Keep up your spirits brother!
Much love
Good luck man. I thought I had a long way to go. I am about 1/2 way to my goal down 230 down from 260. Good luck on your journey
I also clicked over from Kyle's blog. I enjoyed reading your entries. Keep up the good attitude!
I found you Via Mr. Paperclip's page...
Best of luck to you on your new journey. I've read all the post, and I really admire what you're doing! I'll be back often to cheer you on!
Sean, you are on a noble mission, both for yourself and for those you wish to help along the way.
Stay motivated and keep up the good work, it will pay off for you in so many ways.
Enjoy the journey!
I popped over from ORP too. This is a great blog, man.
I'm right here with you, working my way down from 515! Hovering around 460 now.
The dancing's like you wrote down one of my own memories. Nice to know I'm not alone in things like this. GOOD LUCK and take one little step at a time.
Awesome man! You are an inspiration, I just wish my father would find the will in himself that you have found. I will be checking back regularly. Good luck man!
Yet another person came over from ORP, but I have to say that this is a great goal. Even better is the raising of the money for diabetes going along with it.
I will be watching theis blog and chearing you along, it'll be a challange but it'll be worth it, and if cheering you along will help, then so it be.
Good luck for yourself, for being an inspiration, and for earning money to help others.
If only I had money I'd donate.
Thanks a lot! I hope you stick around!
Anonymous: Thank you for your advice..I'll keep changing it up and working on little things until it's all done. Good advice!
the eye: Thanks Man that's awesome! I'm glad to have you here!
BikerMom: That's very sweet thanks! I'll try very hard to make it worth your time!
Candy: You Rock kiddo! I can't wait to see the painting! Enjoy your trip and be safe!
Great job! To be honest I think that your weight loss may be more difficult than mine. My weight should fly off for a little while while you are fine tuning and those pounds are tough to get off. I evny your strength! Hopefully soon I'll be in the same boat you're in now and I'll really have o crack down! Good luck friend...come back and let me know how you're doing.
Crystal: Isn't Kyle a great guy? I'm glad you found my blog and please come back and continue to read. Thanks for your kind words!
you read all the posts? I'm flattered! Thanks for taking the time. I do hope you keep checking are always welcome!
Shane: Thanks for your kind remarks. It's posts like yours that help motivate!
The Mad Alaskan:
You know about the dancing thing? Messed up huh? Cause she was cute too...ah well that's why I'm putting in the work. Sounds like you're off to a good start. I'm curious about what your methods to share? Good luck man! Looks like we're on a similar path!
Sounds like you're a pretty good daughter/son. It's difficult to see a parent in poor health or not making healthy choices. As a son or daughter it can be even harder to say anything. Just be supportive and lead by example...that can go a long way. I wish you the best of luck and if there is anything I can do, please let me know...
Anonymous: your kind words are enough. I know that not everyone is in a financial position to donate. Your support and posts are a great way of making this blog a success! thanks for finding your way and I look forward to having you come back and say "hi" from time to time!
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