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Wednesday, June 14, 2006


June 13, 2006

Treadmill: 5 min warmup
Stretches: legs, biceps

Modified Rowing: 3 sets 15 reps each (increasing from 100 to 150 lbs, I think)
Knee Lifts: 3 sets 10 reps
(back and forth between both)

Dumbell Bench Press: 3 sets 15 reps (2 x 25lbs dumbells)
Barbell Standing Bicep Curls:3 sets 15 reps (12 on last set) (aprox 45lbs barbell)
(back and forth between both)

Abdominal Crunches on Incline Bench 1 set 15 reps (developed severe abdom. cramp had to stop for the day)

Breakfast; Plain Oatmeal w/ Raisins and an Apple

missed next 2 meals

Late afternoon: Turkey sandwich w/ whole wheat bread and mustard, celery stalks

missed evening meal:

late snack: Turkey sandwich w/ whole wheat bread and mustard, Apple

1 Multi-vitamin
Drank: 4 x 24oz bottles of water

(explaination of missed meals: honestly it was my day off and I decided to go back to bed. as for the evening meal, after my workout I went to see my buddys Justin Farren and Dean Haakenson perform at a showcase for The Sacramento Music Awards for which they are both nominated)

I'll finish my shopping Tomorrow and then I should be able to pre-prepare my food so that it'll be easier to stay on track.


Hey there Watchers! (I hope you don't mind me calling you fine folks that) Not much going on today. My legs feel a little more stable and the stretches that Kendrick showed me helped a lot with that. I can at least see the light at the end of the tunnel with regard to being wobbly all the time. Of course I do remember that Calf raises are leg killers so when we get to those I'll be beggin' for my mommy again.

I did have a massive stomach cramp today after a set of crunches...let me tell you that ain't no pic-ah-nick! No matter what i did it wouldn't subside. I stretch this way and things seem fine then the cramp goes the other way...so I stretch back the other way and the cramp goes back to it's original position. I had to stretch just so...so I could meet it in the middle and hold it! Hold it! Hold it. Aaahhh sweet relief! Then SNAP! Cramped up again. Needless to say that was then end of the workout for the day. Next time we work the legs again...yay... ;0)

Ok kind watchers. I must sleep. Thanks again for your support and for all the new watchers....Welcome friends!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sean, I am super proud of you! You have my unconditional continued support. Did I tell you I have lost some weight? Much like the expectant father, I believe I'm experiencing "Sympathy weight loss". Weird, but I can't come up with any other explanation.
Keep up the momentum! I got your back!

7:31 AM, June 14, 2006  
Blogger Billy Guilfoyle said...

So much goin on. I'm trying to get the inspiration to go jogging this morning. Figured I'd check out what YOU have been up to. Looks like you got me beat as far as motivation goes, homey.

Kickass music to download: Elliott Smith, The Garden State Soundtrack, Rilo Kiley.

So, I've voted for Justin and the Four Guys as well. Let's get'em into the Hall.

Ok, man. I'm going to do some yoga and head for a jog. NO excuses. You still carrying around that ukulele?

8:11 AM, June 14, 2006  
Blogger Sean Perkey said...

Sandykins! I'm gonna call you later today k?

Billy! I forgot about the Garden State soundtrack! I love that movie...it was on HBO last night! have fun with the yoga...I might join you when I'm in better shape. and Yep...still got the ukulele! plunka-plunka!

10:58 AM, June 14, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

You're almost there Sean. Keep it up and you're at 200 lbs in no time.

- back for inspirational meassage

1:47 PM, June 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sean, I wish you much success on the weight loss & thank you for raising awareness and for Diabetes research. Diabetes took my mother's life.

7:17 PM, June 14, 2006  
Blogger Paul Babin said...

Greetings from plasticland . . . dude you're motivating me to stay motivated on my own workouts. Is there a way for people who don't want to sign up to send you some messages? I've been telling lots'o people but have a feeling that they don't want to sign up. Watch your calorie intake man . . we don't want you starvin'!

I voted for Justin and Four Guys and a few other names that we've tossed around. Missing the music scene and haven't had a chance to check it out here in LA. Anywise . . I cannot wait to visit you in November and have you kick my arse at the gym. Keep up the good work man!

12:41 AM, June 15, 2006  
Blogger Sean Perkey said...

Hey! Thanks for stopping by again! keep those good vibes flowin'! It all helps!

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. People sometimes forget how serious diabetes can be and that's one of the reasons i chose the ADA as beneficiary of my fundraiser. My brother and I recently lost our mother as well. Please know that we empathise with your pain.

to answer your question : Yes you can post as Anonymous without joining the site. Please send then on over...lets get that traffic hummin! And as for your visit. We should seriously hit the gym! That would be great! I wish you could be here for the sammies man. Four Guys are gonna hit the hall of fame for sure and I think Justin can take this group! May Good Music Prevail!!

2:31 AM, June 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

watchmyloss.blogspot.com is very informative. The article is very professionally written. I enjoy reading watchmyloss.blogspot.com every day.

7:47 PM, November 11, 2009  

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