The last Oreo...

*lick* *lick* *lick* *dip* *Crunch* and done! Ah yes the sublime torture we inflict upon ourselves as we turn to face the abyss. dramatic is that? But, you have to make that last gesture or you feel robbed of some sort of experience, some rite of passage. I dunno maybe it's just me but I tend to eat a lot more leading up to a diet. I think this has been my problem all along.
I should begin by telling you that I have always been acutely self-analytical, even as a child. So, I know why I over eat. I just don't know how to stop.
As a small child I was very skinny. I don't think I started to gain any real weight until I was about 10 or 11. My parents had always fed me healthy food and snacks. To give you an idea we were that house in the neighborhod that always seemed to give out little boxes of raisens on holloween. As I remember there were never really any sweets or junk food around. And, though my mother was a great cook she didn't really bake except for pies at Thanksgiving. There was also the fact that 3 out of 4 of us in the house had verious adverse reactions to dairy which meant no chocolate, ice cream or the like were allowed.
It was 1980 when I turned 10 years old and back then children were able to run free by themselves until the street lights came on. I believe that it was then that I discovered food that was not good for me. The combination of an allowance, a sweet Huffy Bike with a banana seat and a convienience store just down the street would prove to be the begining of my spiral into bad habits.
...more about that later.
Today is the begining of a new chapter. One, I hope, will bring with it better health, energy to match my ambition and a body to match my vision.
When I wake up this morning I have to finish my paperwork for my trainer, call and make an appointment for my workout this afternoon and then swing by my Dr's office for an official weigh-in. Some time during the day I will post my weight and possibly measurements in the right side bar above the counter. That is where it will remain and will be updated as long as it takes for me to reach my goal weight. My plan is to post a brief daily report about my workout and diet with updates on my weight to come weekly. I'l also posts my personal observations along the way as well as just general daily journal stuff. Again, please feel free to comment or ask any questions you may have. My only rule is that we all keep it civil as this is meant to be a family friendly forum otherwise anything goes.
now to sleep and then my day...
Hiya. I'll definetly keep an eye on you and your progress. What a fantastic idea! That head-shaved logo thing is hilarious! Come on! No one wanted you to host their ad?! Give it time. OK! Will keep checking up. Happy self-improving.
Hye there! Thanks for stopping in. The place is a mess right now but make yourself at home.
As far as the eBay auction goes I may try it again if the blog starts to get a lot of attention. We'll see...for now I enjoy my hair!
Feel free to stop by any time and join in! The more the merrier!
By the way I checked out your blog! Good for you grabbing life by the horns...or have you got it by the reigns? Well, whichever it may be keep holding tight!
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