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Friday, November 17, 2006

Way to go P!

There's an old joke that goes:

Q: "What's black and brown and looks good on a lawyer?"
A: "A Dobermen Pinscher"

Well as of Wednesday I can reword that joke to say:

Q: "What's black and brown and looks good on MY BROTHER P.?"
A: "A Dobermen Pinscher"

That's right folks! My big brother P. just found out that he Passed the New York BAR exam and I couldn't be happier for him or prouder of him. I know how hard he and his wife worked to make this happen! I just want him to know that he is an inspiration to me and he proved to me that anything can be achieved with hard work and determination. I know that things haven't gone exactly to plan for me over these first 5 months but I'm more determined than ever to see this through. Thanks P. And Congrats! Can't wait to see you in 2 weeks!


News from my world is pretty much the same. I've been eating a lot of chicken and rice and had a really good workout the other day but Thursday I had to cancel due to a cold or some really bad allergies but I'm medicating and I plan to hit the gym and maybe the pool on Friday.

Other than that not much to report except...if you get a chance Check out this Blog (Shirts-by-eye) by one of the kind folks who follows my blog on a regular basis. Mr. The eye has designed some pretty funny tee-shirts and they're for sale if you're so inclined. The designs are very simple but the style and the whit make them pretty damn funny. I think I may buy one or two for gifts...
Either way make sure you swing on over and take a look and pass the link around if you feel that a friend or family member may be interested.


That's it for now! Congrats again Bro!


Blogger The EYE said...

sweet! thanks for the linkage, sean! i already got some good traffic... very much appreciated!

and congrats to your bro - thats huge!

7:17 PM, November 17, 2006  
Blogger Citizen_Stu said...

Well done to you brother

12:37 PM, November 20, 2006  
Blogger evamarie said...

Hi Sean...just wanted to say thanks, and to let you know I'm still "watching." (not to sound creepy, you know what I mean). Anyway, looking forward to seeing you in a few days! xo Eva

5:41 PM, November 21, 2006  
Blogger Sean Perkey said...

eye: you're welcome man! You have some funny Ideas there. Let me know if you need any graphic design work, I have a few skillz up my sleeve. And thanks! My bro is a great guy and he deserves it!

Invader stu: Thanks stu! I'll pass it along!

eva:Thanks! And, I can't wait to see you both either!
Talk with you then! =0)

7:11 AM, November 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My grandfather always said, “Don’t watch your money; watch your health.” So one day while I was watching my health, someone stole my money. It was my grandfather.fat funny humor joke people

7:43 PM, March 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

http://markonzo.edu http://aviary.com/artists/Delta-Faucets http://www.vampirefreaks.com/Orbitz negotiates http://www.rottentomatoes.com/vine/showthread.php?p=17358539 http://aviary.com/artists/infraredsauna lambert momencethe http://aviary.com/artists/Air-Purifiers http://www.voip-info.org/users/view/keno http://www.codeplex.com/site/users/view/infraredheaters normile http://blog.bakililar.az/orbitz/

9:17 PM, February 20, 2010  

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