#48 and #49!
So, the plan was to set out on Friday evening and go visit my Family in Danville Ca. A sort of late Thanksgiving with my father and his wife, all my brothers and their respective wives/ sig. others. I had planned on staying there Friday and Saturday nights to maximize family time...cause ya know...it's improtant and I really enjoy when everyone gets together!
Well, I got home Thursday night from Thanksgiving with my younger brother and his girlfriend's family and in my email inbox was a message that would change everything!
"Dude!?", the message started... "Are you still down to do that thing you said you'd do that time when you said that you'd do it later if we needed you to do it!?" I quickly typed back.."Yah-buddy! When and where?" and the response came back. "Dude! Rock! Reno, Nv 3:30pm Saturday!", to which I relplied..."righteous!" I then proceded to shred a juciy air guitar riff ala Bill and Ted. Called up the Fam and told them I'b be late to the shindig! I then texted my buddy Aaron! If I was going to drive the 150 or so odd miles to reno I needed to call in the big guns to travel shotgun and keep this ole narcoleptic a wake!
Cut to Saturday...{The Crack Of Noon} Clean all the water bottles and diet pepsi bottles out of the car, Load up the tunes, toss 2 ukuleles in the back seat along with some magizines...Gass up the Chevy 'Bu and hit the Road! The stereo fuled by the powerfull stylings of oneTenacious D Rocked the road trip and soon we were swinging into Reno. Well, do I have to say it...'When in Reno...' Next thing I know...Ding-ding-ding! I won $100! Sweeeeeat! We played a bit longer without repeating my good fortune and then realized that we had better skeedaddle to the Ron-day-vu A-sap...for the hour of 3:30 was nigh at hand and the sacraed Task with which i was dutifully charged meant a quick juant to the Reno Airport.
We arrive at the airport and swing into the passenger pickup. With swiss like precision they roll out as we roll in. No need for introductions...no awkward guessing game....
'uh...izzat them?'
'I dunno dude...izzzit?'
'uh go ask...'
'you go ask...'
'alright I will...' 'fine.....!'
No need for any of that, for the heros we saught had their names emblazened across their chests and they were known throughout the land as "Scotty and Fiddy! Two weary travelers attempting to 'hitchhike" to 50 US State Capitols in 50 days. As fortune would have it they only had 3 states to complete and they were close enough for me to pick them up and take them to 2 of the remaining 2..Carson City,NV and my very own home town...the city of trees and the birth place of Tower Records and the Pony Express Sacramento, CA.

As you can see above we stormed into Carson City and taught it a thing or two about some crazy jumping and some funky posing! Having done what we came to do and noting that Carson City had very little interest in jumping or, for that matter, displaying a pulse of any kind we descided to bail that burg and rock on over to Reno for some much needed buffet action!
Let me tell something to you...come a little closer! The Eldorado Buffet is "SECOND TO NONE!" Period!(and I managed to limit myself even with evey imaginable nummy distraction you could imagine!
After that we all piled back into the Malibu and headed off to Capitol #49 and my hometown, Sacrameto, Ca! Hit the Capitol buliding...Jumpy, jumpy...Clicky, clicky and we were off! I thought I would surprise the guys by taking them by the site of the original Tower records, which I thought would be interesting or them until I realized even though Tower may be an international company...they may not have them in Canada...my suspicion was confirmed and esentially to them I was just showing off some random record store! Sweat!
At this point we dropped off my buddy Aaron! Thanks Aaron for Keeping me company on my drive to reno and for being a good sport about letting me play your music for Scotty and Fiddy along the way! I know you're not all about the self promo but your music is amazing and I can't help but pimp it when I get the chance!
The rest of the trip was pterry much chill...we hit the gas station for gas and road snacks, did a drive by on Historical Old Sacramento and then headed out of town. A couple hours later and we were in Cupertino, Ca. (Home of Apple Computers)
We quietly said our good byes. At this point I think the guys were pretty tired, I know I was. I only did about 500 miles and 13 hours of their journey bt I can only imagine how exhausted they must be and how excited they must be about getting to HI and knocking out that 50th state Capitol!
I finally rolled into Danville at about 1:30am and crashed on my father's couch! I think I actually got a good 7 or 8 hours sleep that night for the first time in nearly 6 months. I spent sunday lounging around with my family watching football and vacation videos. It was the perfect way to top off a long and exciting weekend