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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

'Back again back again jiggity-jig!'

Well...what was that all about?

Sorry 'bout that folks. I just spent the last week sick and thought I'd use the time to work on my insomnia a bit as well so I just shut down everything and hybrinated! I'm still batteling the insomnia for the moment but I feel much better and I'm ready to get back to business.

As far as the past week goes, I missed 4 or 5 days of gym time but I also hardly ate anything so I think there was fairly little damage done. I feel like I lost a little muscle tone (boy that happens fast) but I've been back to the gym 3 days now and things are about back to normal so I'll start making my daily diet and workout posts again on wednesday for those who follow that sort of thing. I do think I'm going to cut some of the carbos a little more though. We'll see how that goes. I still have to get some food shopping done as well so wish for inspiration and maybe the menu will reflect it.

If I still have any readers...I love you for sticking with me. My goals haven't changed one bit! It'll take more than a little sleeplesness and a cold to block my path. We've got a long road ahead of us so let's get back on it!


If you'll all indulge me for a moment I thought I'd try something. Having a blog with even a small readership has a way of creating a little bit of a minor celebrity status for a blogger and if your name shows up on search engines enough you draw the attention of all sorts of people...sometimes people you used to know but have lost touch with...I thought I'd give something a shot and see if it works...

Carrie? If you read this and feel like it, drop me an email...I'd love to know how you're doing. I hope you're well.


...I guess we'll see...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Welcome Back!

9:17 AM, August 23, 2006  
Blogger The EYE said...

i figured you weren't gone permanently, just taking a short break. besides, who would i be to complain about somebody not posting frequently enough? a big ol' hippocrite, that's what!

anyway, glad to hear you're feeling better. i would love to hear if you've tried a weigh in at all, and would recommend you do so... at this point you are near guaranteed to see a loss on the scale. in my head i already picture you as thinner (even though i only have your header pic to work with).

me, i'm currently down about 15 lbs. not quite half way there yet, but getting there. and hitting my plateau... now comes the hard part. maintain!!!

good luck with your zzzzz's, man.

11:01 AM, August 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sean! Welcome back! I'm glad that you are feeling better :) I'll start thinking of some different food choices for you. What veggies do you like? KA

1:50 PM, August 23, 2006  
Blogger Yvonne said...

Glad to see you back - and that you are A-OK!!!

2:52 PM, August 23, 2006  
Blogger Sherri & Mark said...

Very glad to see you back. I think germs and fat have some kind of secrect communication we mere mortals do not know about.

Whenever I have tried to start changing my eating habits for the better, I ALWAYS get sick.

But unlike you I get discouraged and fall back into bad habits.

So, hats off to you for hanging in!!


5:46 PM, August 23, 2006  
Blogger Sean Perkey said...

Selina: mmmmmmm vegi-tables! I have spinach on my list and some good apples...carrots etc...I'll see what they have...! More chicken and whole wheat products. I think I'll get some nuts this time and some tastey things to marinate the chicken in. I have a few Ideas...we'll see :0)
Sounds like you had some good food! I hope you mailed me some...j/k

Mike: check my latest blog for the scheuled date...I promise I'll get the info soon! Thanks for checkin on me!

Anonymous: Hey! Thank you! It's good to be back!

eye: Yeah but you have a good excuse ny friend! How is everyone doing at home and are you getting any sleep yourself?

My newest post states when I'll weigh in next and I'll be posting some new photos and some from when I took my profile picture for comparison...I hope to finally show some real progress!

Congrats on the 15lbs! I know you've been working hard and It's not easy with all that's going on in your life right noe! Keep it up and you'll tackle that Plateau soon enough!

KA: Hey there! It's good to be back! It was nice talking with you the other evening I hope everything's great!
As far as veggies go...freash spinach, lettuce, tomato (sometimes), Celery...I dunno...what do you have in mind?

Sherri: You have an interesting Theory! I sure hope that's not true or I'm in trouble! lol
Thanks for the encouragement! Thanks for stickin' it out while I was away!


3:11 AM, August 24, 2006  
Blogger Sean Perkey said...

Selina: mmmmmmm vegi-tables! I have spinach on my list and some good apples...carrots etc...I'll see what they have...! More chicken and whole wheat products. I think I'll get some nuts this time and some tastey things to marinate the chicken in. I have a few Ideas...we'll see :0)
Sounds like you had some good food! I hope you mailed me some...j/k

Mike: check my latest blog for the scheuled date...I promise I'll get the info soon! Thanks for checkin on me!

Anonymous: Hey! Thank you! It's good to be back!

eye: Yeah but you have a good excuse ny friend! How is everyone doing at home and are you getting any sleep yourself?

My newest post states when I'll weigh in next and I'll be posting some new photos and some from when I took my profile picture for comparison...I hope to finally show some real progress!

Congrats on the 15lbs! I know you've been working hard and It's not easy with all that's going on in your life right noe! Keep it up and you'll tackle that Plateau soon enough!

KA: Hey there! It's good to be back! It was nice talking with you the other evening I hope everything's great!
As far as veggies go...freash spinach, lettuce, tomato (sometimes), Celery...I dunno...what do you have in mind?

Sherri: You have an interesting Theory! I sure hope that's not true or I'm in trouble! lol
Thanks for the encouragement! Thanks for stickin' it out while I was away!


3:11 AM, August 24, 2006  

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