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Friday, July 21, 2006

Are You My Wife?

Gather 'round! This one's for the single ladies!

Have you ever thought to yourselves, "There are just no good men out there..." Well you, my friends of the fairer sex, are in for a treat today! Now before you get your hopes up I'm not anouncing my eligibility or anything like that so don't all jump up at once...heh heh...ooook no one's moving. How many of you did I just scare off? lol

Noooo my friends what I have for you is of much greater appeal. I would like to direct your attention to this here link Are You My Wife.com!

My name is Allan Wills and I will go anywhere in the world for the right date.

This is where all your wildest dreams could come true...or you could just meet a really nice guy who has decided to shun tradition and throw his fate to the cyber winds.

Meet Allan Wills. Writer, actor, photographer, lover of life and one heck of a handsome guy! Ask him on a date or ask him to complete a task. He's game for the game and he's playing to win.

So, if you are up for adventure and you think that convention is just some place you might find shriners in funny hats. This is the place for you. Allan asks "Are you my wife?"...well...are you?


Blogger The EYE said...

thats pretty funny. i love the ideas people are coming up with for websites. first the paperclip, and now this. such creativity.

makes the cynical, self-criticizing memoires on my blog seem trite and cliche.

eh. still fun.

6:03 AM, July 21, 2006  
Blogger The EYE said...

hey, by the way, i wanted to say thanks for adding a link to me on your main page! i appreciate that a lot!

6:28 AM, July 21, 2006  
Blogger thehealingroom said...

I think it is great that he is putting himself out there. That is brave.
I went over to his site to tell him so, but I had a hard time submitting a comment.
Finally, one went through.
Anyway, looks like alot of fun.

9:36 AM, July 21, 2006  
Blogger Sean Perkey said...

Yeah it's pretty creative. He's got his work cut out for him.
But hey don't knock what you're doing...just think about how much sleep you'll be getting while he's constantly trying to catch up with the monster he's created. ;)
Oh yeah and you're welcome...it's the least I can do for all the support you've thrown me! Cheers!

Thehealingroom: Yeah...I've seen sites like his before and they seem to get a lot of attention. I wish him the best of luck. I think he's in for a crazy ride...
have you checked out his personal info...he seems very adventurous...acting, world travel, tri-citizenship, writing, photography...and from the emails we've shared he seems like a preytty genuine person. I met him through Kyle from the Paperclip site so that's a mark FOR him right there.

3:01 PM, July 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

5:36 AM, August 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

10:00 AM, August 10, 2006  

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